The National Association of State Energy Officials (NASEO) periodically has contract opportunities to provide services in support of NASEO’s various program areas.  NASEO strives to give all businesses, including small and disadvantaged businesses, an equal opportunity to compete for NASEO contracts and procurements. NASEO continuously strives to enhance the ability of small and disadvantaged businesses to compete for contracts and is committed to ensuring that small and disadvantaged businesses fully participate in the procurement process .

To receive NASEO’s RFP announcements, please click here.

Open RFIs and RFPs

The National Association of State Energy Officials (NASEO) and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) are seeking information from service providers to support states in the design and implementation of energy efficiency revolving loan fund programs. Service providers can register themselves as potential providers to assist State Energy Offices in one or more service areas, such as program design and administration, lending, and compliance. By registering, providers consent to make their information publicly available. State Energy Offices can use the list to find and contact potential service providers to support their revolving loan fund programs. Depending on state procurement policies and approaches, State Energy Offices may also be able to provide notification to listed service providers to respond to requests for proposals or other procurement opportunities. Service providers: Register to be publicly listed on this service provider list HERE
NASEO and Berkeley Lab will not review, vet, or in any way screen service providers registered on the list and make no express or implied approval or endorsement of the listed service providers. State Energy Offices will follow their own procurement policies, which may or may not allow them to access providers who have registered on the list before or after they have issued procurement opportunities.

The Energy Conservation and Management Division of the New Mexico Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department (EMNRD) is soliciting information from potential public- and private-sector partners on potential opportunities to support projects that advance state-level decarbonization and energy resilience goals, leveraging co-financing from EMNRD and the Department of Energy’s (DOE) Loan Programs Office (LPO) and/or other federal funding mechanisms. Alongside the Governor’s Office, a number of New Mexico state agencies are collaborating to identify candidate projects by ensuring that this RFI reaches a wide range of eligible stakeholders; EMNRD’s state government collaborators will include, but are not limited to, the New Mexico Finance Authority (NMFA), the New Mexico Environment Department (NMED), and the Economic Development Department (EDD). 

Closed RFPs, RFRs, and RFIs

The Idaho Governor’s Office of Energy & Mineral Resources, the Idaho Transportation Department, and the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality announced the release of a Request for Proposals (RFP) for consultant services to assist the Idaho National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Program. Idaho recently finalized its Siting, Feasibility, and Access Study (SFAS) and determined site locations for the NEVI Program. Round 1 of the NEVI Program will fund one site each in Pocatello, Bliss, and Lewiston. Subsequent rounds of solicitation will be prioritized based on the locations outlined in the SFAS and best practices gained from Round 1. Idaho is seeking qualified and experienced proposals from interested firms outlining how the firm may assist the state agencies with the Idaho NEVI Program. The RFP and scope of services can be found on the Idaho Transportation Department’s Business Services website, under the “Consultant Agreements” tab at The pre- proposal meeting will be held virtually on August 27, 2024, at 11:00 AM. Proposals are due electronically by September 23, 2024.

  • Colorado Energy Office Documented Quote (DQ): Medium- and Heavy-Duty Charging Hub Network Siting Analysis

On behalf of the State of Colorado, the Colorado Energy Office (CEO) issued a DQ for a qualified entity to undertake a Medium- and Heavy-Duty (M/HD) Charging Hub Network Siting Analysis to expand on the results of the state's M/HD Charging Infrastructure Study and enhance the current M/HD Charging Corridors GIS Map by conducting market research, a M/HD vehicle and charging hub site profile assessment, and a bottom-up geospatial siting, feasibility, and grid upgrade analysis, utilizing truck travel data to estimate the timing of and identify prioritized road segments and siting for the strategic deployment of M/HD charging hubs throughout the State. Quotes must be submitted by September 24, 2024. All relevant DQ documents can be found here and on the Colorado Vendor Self Service (VSS) webpage. Please reach out to Matt Lerman ( with any questions.

The Indiana Office of Energy Development issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) for a qualified partner to research battery energy storage systems (BESS) technology and analyze its potential impacts in Indiana. Responses are due July 31, 2024, please find the full RFP here and reach out to Jacob Carrico ( with any questions.

  • South Carolina Electric Vehicle Awareness Campaign Request for Proposals Posted

    The Energy Office finalized a Request for Proposals (RFP) for its Electric Vehicle (EV) Awareness Campaign. The solicitation is available through June 25, 2024, on the South Carolina Procurement Services website. The Energy Office is seeking assistance in developing an EV Awareness Campaign for South Carolina. This public information campaign was recommended in the 2022 SC EV Stakeholder Initiative Report to provide South Carolinians with helpful resources and to aid in EV adoption. Additional information on the Energy Office's activities related to EVs may be found at

  • NASEO Request for Interest from States in Freight Electrification Support

NASEO is pleased to announce a suite of technical assistance to assist State and Territory Energy Offices with convening key stakeholders, co-developing action plans, and pursuing public and private funding for implementation to support charging infrastructure buildout and associated electric system upgrades for such on-road electric freight vehicles as trucks, tractors, and delivery vans operating within the state. NASEO is able to support two to three states over the next year. Please click here to view the full RFI. Responses are due June 5, 2024. Please email Jessie Lund at with any questions.

NASEO requests proposals from qualified bidders to work with NASEO to develop key resources to help State Energy Offices and other related state stakeholders involved with grid resilience planning and implementation. This will include at least 3 Issue Briefs or State Spotlights that will address a topic of relevance for coordinated grid resilience planning and implementation strategies or feature a states’ coordinated grid resilience planning efforts or related resilience implementation strategy. Through the course of the scope of work, NASEO and the Consultant will identify and implement at least 3 additional resources to enhance State Energy Offices’ technical expertise on grid resilience topics such as checklists, frequently asked questions, summaries, and guidance documents. Questions on this RFP will be accepted until April 15, 2024. Please contact Kirsten Verclas ( with questions. Responses to all questions will be posted to the NASEO RFP website. Responses to the RFP are due April 26, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. ET to The RFP is available here. Answers to submitted questions can be found here.

With support from the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Building Technologies Office, NASEO seeks a Contractor with strong existing relationships with K-12 public school stakeholders, as well as a deep understanding of the role that State Energy Offices and partnering state agencies can play to support local education agencies in improving the energy efficiency and indoor air quality of school facilities. The Contractor will support activities as part of NASEO’s work with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Building Technologies Office, to accelerate energy efficiency retrofits and improvements to indoor air quality, among other practices that produce healthy and efficient schools. Please click here to view the full RFP and for more information. Responses are due April 15, 2024. Please email Ed Carley at and Jasmine Xie at by April 12, 2024, with any questions.

NASEO requests proposals from qualified bidders to develop a written deliverable with two key parts: (1) a report and analysis examining state efforts to develop resilience centers (Report) and (2) a Toolkit for Creating Community Resilience Centers (Toolkit). The Toolkit should include illustrative examples and educational content (outlined in more detail below). The Toolkit and Report should be written for State and Territory Energy Offices as the primary audience. Secondary audiences for the Toolkit content may include State Hazard Mitigation Officers, State Emergency Managers, and State Resiliency Officers. Content should clearly outline specific actions and best practices for State Energy Offices and include any relevant graphics, tables, or maps. Questions will be accepted until March 19, 2024. Please contact Ed Carley ( with questions. Responses to all questions will be posted to the NASEO RFP website. Responses due April 2, 2024. The RFP is available here

The Minnesota Department of Commerce seeks proposals from qualified organizations or individuals to (1) conduct a comprehensive analysis of the best practices and risk mitigation strategies employed by energy utility critical infrastructure providers who publicly publish distribution system information, (2) produce a final report detailing the incremental risk and security trade-offs realized by Minnesota’s electric distribution system and dependent critical infrastructure produced by the facilitation of publicly-available grid information, and (3) participate in stakeholder working groups and public agenda meetings facilitated by the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission. Proposals are due March 29, 2024.

NASEO is interested in working with several State and Territory Energy Offices to develop planning and implementation strategies that states may use to leverage federal funding to establish state clean energy funds. A state clean energy fund supports the development, demonstration, and deployment of clean energy technologies. If you are interested in receiving technical assistance from NASEO on this topic, please reach out to Sam Cramer ( by February 23, 2024.

The State Fiscal Accountability Authority-Division of Procurement Services (SFAA-DPS) on behalf of South Carolina Office of Regulatory Staff (SCORS) is seeking a contractor for the development and implementation services to support the SC Home Energy Labeling Program. Responses are due February 12, 2024 by 11:00 a.m. ET.

On behalf of the State of Colorado, the Colorado Energy Office (CEO) is issuing this Request for Information (RFI) to seek preliminary feedback to help guide a forthcoming Colorado Hydrogen Infrastructure Study (“Study”) the CEO will be conducting in 2024. This RFI and the forthcoming Study will directly inform the design, development, and implementation of a future Colorado hydrogen fueling infrastructure grant offering. Response to the RFI are due March 1, 2024 by 4:00 p.m. MT.

On behalf of the state of Colorado, Colorado Energy Office is issuing an RFI to inform the design and development of the state’s Fleet Zero-Emission Resource Opportunity (Fleet-ZERO) Medium- and Heavy-Duty Charging Corridors funding lane, receive feedback on the draft of Colorado M/HD Charging Corridors GIS Map, and gain a better understanding of the prospective business models, scope, design, timelines, anticipated demand, utilization, costs, and other helpful information in relation to successfully deploying M/HD corridor charging throughout Colorado. Responses to the RFI are due December 1, 2023, by 5:00 p.m. MT.

NASEO and the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) are requesting input on EV Service Providers (EVSPs) and other EV stakeholder’s plans to incorporate North American Charging Standard (NACS) connectors – currently being standardized as J3400 – and related components in their product inventory and the associated timeline with the rollout. These responses will help inform State Departments of Transportations and State Energy Offices’ Request for Proposals under the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) program, covered by 23 CFR 680 minimum requirements, as well as advise states on how to plan and futureproof equipment for J3400 connectors. Responses from this Request for Information (RFI) will be posted on NASEO’s publicly accessible website, distributed widely to any interested organization and will be posted to the EV States Clearinghouse. Therefore, proprietary information should not be included in your response. Please click here to view the full RFI and for more information. Responses to this RFI are due on October 6, 2023. Responses must be submitted via email in one PDF file to Delaney Dixon (

The Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) has drafted a Request for Proposals (RFP) for companies to develop the Connecticut Clean Energy and Connectivity Incentives Calculator. This online tool will showcase state, federal, and municipal incentives supporting deployment of clean energy, energy efficiency, demand response capabilities, and internet connectivity. The draft RFP can be found here. The RFP is in draft form and is being issued for public comment. DEEP is not accepting proposals at this time. Parties submitting proposals prematurely may be disqualified when the final RFP is issued. Written comments may be filed on or before September 21, 2023, by 4:00 p.m. Please click here for more information. 

Hawaii Energy’s EmPOWER Grant program is accepting applications from Hawaii’s small businesses, restaurants, and non-profits through September 29 to help fund energy efficiency projects. Depending on equipment type, projects are eligible for up to $2,000, $4,000, or $6,000 this year. The entire grant eligible equipment list, along with the associated potential grant funding available, is on the website or if you click here. Everything needed to apply is available on the grant’s home page, or interested organizations can reach out directly to Chester Carson at

The Public Service Commission of Wisconsin is seeking services from a consultant with strong analytical, policy, and planning expertise to conduct an analysis of energy burden metrics and develop an actionable plan for short and long-term deployment of energy burden metrics for consideration in Commission programs and processes. This work will build on previous work already done by the Commission and others on the understanding of energy burden definitions, and the development of metrics relating to energy burden and customer affordability more generally. The deliverables will include an analysis and report on specific energy burden metrics, including information on how these could be applied in a Wisconsin-specific context, as well as proposals for an actionable plan with options for utilization of this information. Proposals are due October 10, 2023, and must be submitted into the Wisconsin eSupplier Portal as described in the RFP documentation. Please click here for more information.

With support from the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Electricity (OE), NASEO seeks a Consultant to develop a Toolkit for Stakeholder Engagement in Transmission Planning (Toolkit). This Toolkit will be educational in nature and better equip State Energy Offices with the resources to meaningfully address potential concerns from communities, to convene stakeholders across the project development and implementation spectrum through working groups or advisory committees, and to increase stakeholder understanding of both the direct and indirect benefits of transmission projects for their states and communities.  This Toolkit will be designed to include guidance on innovative and meaningful transmission planning engagement strategies with case studies and lessons learned from previous projects included. The Consultant will be expected to have knowledge of the programmatic, policy, economic, and community aspects of equitable transmission planning. The Consultant should be prepared to address cost, resilience, and equity considerations and should also have a deep understanding of State Energy Offices’ roles, distinct from state regulatory roles, in energy policy and transmission planning across the country.  Please click here to view the full RFP and for more information. Responses due September 18, 2023. Click here to view the frequently asked questions. Please email Catherine Reed at with any questions. 

With support from the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Electricity (OE), NASEO seeks a Consultant to develop a guide for State Energy Offices on energy storage research, development, and demonstration (RD&D). The guide will focus on energy storage RD&D and key policy, planning, and programmatic considerations for State Energy Offices to increase investment and drive market acceleration. The Consultant will be expected to have knowledge of the programmatic, policy, and technical aspects of energy storage technologies and state-level goals and activities. The Consultant should also be prepared to discuss cost, resilience, and equity considerations. Finally, the Consultant should have a deep understanding of State Energy Offices’ roles, distinct from state regulatory roles, in energy storage planning and policy across the country. Please click here to view the full RFP and for more information. Please click here for NASEO-2023-RFP-001 Frequently Asked Questions.

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources (DOER) is soliciting services from a Contractor to update and revise its State Energy Security Plan (SESP). The plan is an essential component of the state's efforts to enhance energy security planning in the coming decade and beyond and was revised in 2013 and 2022. Click here for more information: COMMBUYS - Bid Solicitation