NASEO Releases new Publication on Critical Energy-Related Minerals

Source: NASEO

An energy transition is underway. New technologies, including for power generation, transmission and distribution, energy storage, transportation, manufacturing, and buildings, are arising. They are increasingly deployed to reduce climate-altering emissions, enhance energy reliability and resilience, and strengthen economic competitiveness. They offer not only the hope for a sustainable energy future but also for new and growing economic development opportunities for states in every region of the nation. These technologies also engender worries about reliable availability of the minerals and elements essential to their production. The energy transition will be a commodities transition too. Many state energy officials and their economic development, environmental, and natural resource management colleagues are considering how energy-related critical mineral and material production, processing, and recycling may offer economic opportunities. This paper provides an overview of critical minerals considerations for State Energy Office planning, policy, and program activities as well as links to resources for additional exploration. It also includes questions states may wish to elevate as new policies and programs are developed in partnership with the private sector.